Let's Chat About Your Challenge!

Please reach out if you are struggling with a Marketing Analytics or Automation challenge and I would be happy to help.


What you can expect:

  1. We will introduce ourselves via email or call.

    I like to learn about the company but also the humans behind the business, so be ready for some questions (don't worry, I will send these beforehand).

  2. You can describe the challenges you're facing.

    Each business is different, so it would be great to get any valuable context or a summary of your problem before the call.

  3. I will give you some initial advice.

    This can involve a few low-hanging fruit you can implement yourself, or I will let you know the cost estimate to solve the challenge.

What happens after?

  1. If we liked each other, the most common next step is to conduct an audit to better understand the current state of your analytics and marketing, and give you a more accurate cost estimate.
  2. After the audit, I will send over the audit findings and an accurate quote and proposal with all the details. If you'd like, we can also have a follow-up call to discuss the findings.
  3. If you are happy to go ahead, we sign a contract and kick-off the project - my favourite part!

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Frequently Asked Questions

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